Mark Southard

Show up every day

My boss, Nathan Barry, loves to reference Sean McCabe’s advice for success. According to Sean, it’s the best advice you’ll ever hear. Moreover, the advice is simple: Show up every day… for two years. Easy to hear, but certainly not easy to do.

On a recent episode of the How I Built This Podcast, Tristan Walker (CEO and Founder of Walker and Company) was discussing how he’s able to lead a company and simultaneously serve as a teacher to his children during the current pandemic. Tristan discussed the idea of hour blocking. Take a sheet of paper and map out each hour block of the day. Eight hours for sleep, eight hours for work, and so on. He said that if you actually go through the process mapping out your hours, you’ll be amazed at how much time you can find in your day. So I did just that, mapping out each hour of my day. Guess what I found. He’s not wrong. I found a good bit of time that I can dedicate to showing up each day. It’s not enough time to write a 1,000 word blog post a day or to release a massive update to Moonlighter Delighter, but it is available time. Time that I can use to write small updates (like this), make incremental improvements, and to connect with those that would benefit from using Moonlighter Delighter.

I’m starting with small, achievable goals. Quick updates for quick wins. I’m hoping that by starting with small, attainable goals, I’ll lay the foundations for forming a new habit. A habit that I can continue to strengthen, and eventually reflect upon as something that I’ve done every day for two years.

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